The test cases that we develop also need to check the properties of a web page. It requires assert and verify commands. There are two ways to insert verification points into the script.
To insert a verification point in recording mode, "Right click" on the element and choose "Show all Available Commands" as shown below.
We can also insert a command by performing a "Right-Click" and choosing "Insert New Command".
After inserting a new command, click 'Command' dropdown and select appropriate verification point from the available list of commands as shown below.
Given below are the mostly used verification commands that help us check if a particular step has passed or failed.
- verifyElementPresent
- assertElementPresent
- verifyElementNotPresent
- assertElementNotPresent
- verifyText
- assertText
- verifyAttribute
- assertAttribute
- verifyChecked
- assertChecked
- verifyAlert
- assertAlert
- verifyTitle
- assertTitle
Synchronization Points
During script execution, the application might respond based on server load, hence it is required for the application and script to be in sync. Given below are few a commands that we can use to ensure that the script and application are in sync.
- waitForAlertNotPresent
- waitForAlertPresent
- waitForElementPresent
- waitForElementNotPresent
- waitForTextPresent
- waitForTextNotPresent
- waitForPageToLoad
- waitForFrameToLoad
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